On race day, no one wears thick wraparound sunglasses, because it is important to keep other racers in peripheral vision.
His health and his morale improved, but not his sight: he was forced to protect his eyes with thick, dark sunglasses.
He was on some kind of dope, his eyes behind thick sunglasses, his mind wandering.
Who knows how thick sunglasses will be in the future?
He looked straight ahead through thick sunglasses, thoroughly ignoring me, and making me wonder for a second why, exactly, I was inspecting him.
Through the cheap thick sunglasses, Patrick saw everything outside.
Salim wonders how he can see to drive, between the rain, the night, and the thick sunglasses.
Two deputies walked in front, two behind, and one on each side of the man with the thick sunglasses and handcuffs, which were not fastened.
Behind them, a hulking figure with thick sunglasses ate alone, handling the chicken with his fingers.