It grows to 10-15 cm tall, with a stout stem, single or a few together, from a thick, yellow taproot.
This plant is a perennial herb growing from a thick taproot and woody stem base.
This perennial herb grows from a thick taproot and has a base covered in the remnants of previous seasons' leaves.
This is a perennial herb growing up to 45 centimeters long from a thick taproot.
It is a perennial herb growing from a thick taproot and caudex unit.
The clusters of stems arise from a woody caudex and thick taproot.
This plant is a perennial herb producing a stem up to 2 meters tall from a long, thick taproot.
It produces one or more stems from a basal rosette of leaves and a thick taproot.
This is a perennial herb growing from a thick taproot to heights anywhere between one half and two meters.
It is a perennial herb growing up to about 70 centimeters tall from a thick taproot.