They reared themselves on high thin trunks and their tops were nests of thick tendrils with ugly little leaves like arrow heads.
Harriet shook her head, shifting the thick tendrils of hair framing her face.
The abrupt movement dropped a thick tendril of wet hair over one side of her face.
He was testing the strength of another thick tendril when her cheerful voice advised him to look up.
They resembled jellyfish, but with more substance to them; long, thick tendrils extended from flattened spheroid bodies.
Jake could see the raw places on Vine's trunk where the thick tendrils had been ripped off.
Vines hung in thick tendrils from the trees, and brilliant wildflowers blazed everywhere.
They came to the foot of a mound covered with thick tendrils of vegetation.
The copper-colored mass was covered with thick tendrils of some green hanging growth.
With his right he clutched a thick tendril near the top of the weed-mound.