It was square and cobbled and the grass grew in thick tufts between the stones.
Foaly twisted a tiny cylinder into the thick tufts of hair growing from Mulch's ear.
Billy wakes one morning to find thick tufts of fur sprouting from the back of his hands.
The brown one is hoarding a thick tuft of grass, edging the black one away.
Its eyes were curtained by thick tufts of hair.
The peninsula was covered here and there with brush but mostly it held thick tufts of grasses.
He was half over the edge but his hands clawed at the thick tufts of grass.
A blue elastic gathered his thick tufts into a firm knot at the base of his skull.
Hair was kept long with a thick tuft of hair on the top tied up with a ribbon.
He scratched the thick tuft of hair on the left side of his head.