The first layer is a thick undercoat and the second is a straight guard of hairs on top.
The coat is short, straight, and coarse with a thick undercoat.
They also have a thick undercoat that can protect them from temperatures well below freezing.
Some areas remain shaggy, while others are stripped of all but the hair of the thick white undercoat.
Babies are born about 13 mm (0.5 in) long with their eyes closed, and a thick undercoat of fur.
Dogs with thick undercoat are most subject to getting hot spots.
The body should be abundantly covered with long, straight, harsh hair standing well out from a thick, downy undercoat.
They have long and thick double coat which a thick undercoat.
The outer coat, which sheds all year round, is close and dense with a thick undercoat.
The glossy coat was of average length, with guard hairs covering a thicker undercoat.