The desk phone rang, the chubby little secretary in the thick-framed glasses listened briefly, then crooked a finger my way.
He is most often stylized with his thick-framed black glasses.
She was beautiful: straight platinum hair that swept the middle of her back, green eyes hidden behind her thick-framed black glasses.
Paul also struggles mightily to lead a normal life and to see things as they really are despite the thick-framed glasses that cover his injured eyes.
The couple wore matching long gray beards and thick-framed glasses.
"You, haul it to number thirteen," The man behind the desk wore thick-framed glasses, as did all of the others I noticed.
Paper's editors and publishers both look the part, in their thick-framed smart-guy glasses.
A man with thick-framed glasses, wearing a shabby overcoat, had emerged from the Great Hall.
Chebrikov is a beefy man with a square face set off by thick-framed glasses.
Quite a few were wearing thick-framed rectangular glasses, more to be seen in than to see through.