The plot focuses on a thief named Kurre and his little daughter Charlie.
The film is about a secret agent with code number 999 who is attempting to capture a thief named Rolex.
Recognised by another thief named Alex, Kulmer stole some money to pay him to forget he'd seen him.
He gets help from a thief named Michael (Pran).
The two friends discover a thief named David Gray was behind the disappearances.
The child runs away on seeing his dead mother and becomes a thief named Raja.
Along the way they meet a thief named Cassidy who knows Gareth from the past.
Thief, a series of games focused almost entirely on a thief named Garrett.
Just as he was about to swallow it, a thief named Byth assaulted him and swallowed the pill.
One night a thief named Richard Dragon attempted to rob the dojo, but was caught and subdued by Turner.