If a cupola was struck by gunfire, the thin top armor could be peeled back.
But the parents know this protective shell is thin armor.
Thinking himself lucky to have selected a spot with such thin internal armor, Oliver reached for the battery switch.
A direct hit might penetrate the thinner top armor, mightn't it?
All of these light weapons could penetrate the thin armor found on most pre-war and early war tanks.
Any that hit the tank have a good chance of causing damage, since they are attacking the thin top armor.
For combat it was a poor design, with thin armor, inadequate main armament and a high profile.
Though powerful and difficult to hit, they possess relatively thin armor which even a 20cm Hellbore secondary can penetrate with little trouble.
This tank had a very good 47 mm gun, but very thin armor.
This was a poor design with thin armor and a high silhouette.