She walked across the room, took a thin black cheroot from a silver filigreed case.
He conjured two thin cheroots from a plastic pouch and clipped the tip off both.
He took out a thin black cheroot and offered one to Bond who accepted it.
His desk had a small guillotine on it with an open box of weird, thin black cheroots beside it.
She reached in her handbag and found a pack of thin brown cheroots.
She removed the thin black cheroot from her mouth and kissed Debra before she turned to study David.
Rivera lit a thin cheroot to calm himself and concentrated on the certainty of ultimate success.
Should he have a halfpenny to spend, the lad will buy a thin black Mexican cheroot.
He lit a long, thin and very black cheroot and puffed meditatively.
He wasn't very tall and he walked with a limp and smoked thin cheroots.