Tanis made right for the heart of the pines where the snow was a thinner mantle covering the ground and the fallen trees.
The vine is actually protected from the cold night air under the thin mantle of ice.
Each controls half the country under the very thin mantle of a weak central Government.
The charred remains of the settlement were already disappearing under a thin mantle of snow.
These eggs are often visible through the squid's thin mantle.
She was dressed in a thin white mantle, her hair wound in a strip of soft white cloth.
Its relatively large iron core and thin mantle have not yet been adequately explained.
Sylvan was waiting just outside the Portal chamber, shivering in too thin a mantle.
Many were surrounded by a thin mantle of small lymphocytes.
A thin mantle flanked the road at first, but in the next two miles it deepened to eight inches.