Magazines, TV shows, and various other advertisements show thin models as having the "ideal body type" for women.
Suzuki was named "The 6th thinnest female model in the 2000s".
Is the prominence of extremely thin models in the media the real problem?
Do you want a thin model or a camera with a large zoom lens?
The painfully thin, nearly bald models, he believes, are reminiscent of concentration camp inmates.
The women rushing by them looked like models - so thin.
And I asked why our catalogue used such thin models - women who were much smaller than any of the sizes we carried.
There had been a survey and customers had responded better to the clothes when they were presented on thin models.
After decades of being disheartened by magazine pictures of young, beautiful and very thin models, some women are beginning to object.
Also the stuff about too thin models is just out of date.