The edges of her thin nostrils turned white as she controlled her anger.
He was as ready as a stallion, his thin nostrils flaring at the female scent of her.
He stared at Molly, his thin nostrils flared wide with dislike.
His thin nostrils flared as he viewed her.
He was breathing a little heavily, his thin pinched nostrils flaring with annoyance.
The old man exhaled frail ghosts from his thin nostrils.
She saw it now, the quiver of her thin nostrils, a slow beat at her temple.
He was a tall man of about fifty with thin nostrils, tight lips.
They breathed air out of flat, thin nostrils and their heads joined their bodies without necks.
The long, thin nostrils have between them a short, wide curtain of skin with a finely fringed trailing margin.