Beyond the thin shield of thomy-leafed shrubbery was a marvel, and he couldn't believe what he was seeing.
It would have struck the edge of the platform but for the thin shield Chaumel threw up.
His anger grew clearer the closer he came, pushing at the thin shield I had somehow formed in my mind.
With even a thin shield of this, the wind will need more time to leech the warmth out of you.
But his heroism proved to be a thin shield when money became an issue.
The Oerlikon's tracers shifted, and this time tore through the thin shield of the submarine's cannon.
Her official position was a thin shield, he knew.
My nerves sensed the weight of the water on that thin shield of rock.
They'd been that close, as close as Ben and she were now, with only that thin shield of glass between them.
And Galad stepped back, stepped back again, wooden blade a thin shield against the quarterstaff.