He let the flame go out, and they were swallowed by darkness, broken by a few thin trickles of light a dozen yards ahead.
The Edsel's windscreen was patterned with huge splashes and thin trickles.
As he did so, Peter noted that the tall, thin general had two thin trickles of tears running down his face.
It was raining, thin trickles of water sliding down the window, tainting the air with dampness.
And then, those small bits of information I am able to pass to your groups, the thin trickles of information, will dry up.
His back was horizontally streaked with crimson, and from weal to weal ran thin trickles of blood.
Quincy's white dress shirt, sharply pressed just this morning, was now plastered against his chest while thin trickles of sweat beaded down his face.
Downstream of the dam the watercourse was nearly empty; thin trickles ran restlessly down its center, but that was about all.
Finally the weak, thin trickles of blood stopped coming.
His brown talons sank deeper into Naxor's withered flesh, drawing thin trickles of watery-looking blood.