Filled with minced shrimp, pork and vegetables, they came in wrappers so thin and light that they were almost transparent.
The main philosophy is to expose underlying technology as a thin wrapper, thus creating a simple API.
Some steamed and fried dumplings have thin, delicate wrappers, others are thick and gross.
The item in question turned out to be a thin wrapper of marinated beet stuffed with meat from the cod tail.
Q is a thin wrapper around K, providing a more readable, English-like interface.
"Spring Rolls") are very similar to those found in Americanized Chinese restaurants, with a thin wrapper and vegetables inside.
All of the Waffles tools are implemented as thin wrappers around functionality in a C++ class library.
The dough that serves as its thin and crisp wrapper is made of rice flour.
But just when she pulled on a thin wrapper over her naked body, she stopped.
They are not the usual big, doughy bombs found elsewhere, but savory pork meatballs in thin, delicate wrappers.