Small things skittered out of their path with shadowy quickness.
Two humanoid lizards came in, tongues flicking in and out, and a short, shaggy thing with three legs skittered by.
Unseen things skittered in the night; unseen watchers murmured at his passing.
The thing skittered back and lifted surprisingly human fore-paws.
Leaves of exact, pale green circles piled high in streambeds, and small things skittered deep in them.
She saw things skitter away into the blackness.
Dark things skittered and moved, ran like black, rapid serpents in the corridors.
A desert and a thing that skittered.
A thing which glinted with rainbow colors skittered across the basin, reared up on hind legs to survey me with bright beads of eyes.
The thing skittered and bounded a short distance over the burned floor, straight to the girl beside the litter.