It is a mistake to tailor your words to what you think of the man, his character, and his mental state.
That Keaton himself thought of his new character as a break with the past is suggested by his name change.
Kurahara asked him to think of his character as a "hungry lion roaring at the sun."
He also showed letters of recommendation by other authoritative figures including Augustine himself who, for all their disagreements, thought highly of Pelagius' character.
All the same, it's a rare actor who thinks of his own character as "the bad guy" while playing him.
- Do you also think of your character as having different aspects?
Jones stated that she didn't think of her character as funny.
She thought of Réage's character and what she had been asked to do for love: to prove her devotion.
I was thinking of my own character, which this hateful business has rather exposed.
"Aren't you sweet," Eric observed, and I hoped he was thinking of my character.