A makeshift workout room, a few cardiofitness machines, was set up in a third-floor suite, where a couple of employees could be found staring at a television.
They can look at the third-floor suites.
When he was not filming, Truffaut spent much of his time in this functional third-floor suite in a quiet cul-de-sac a block from the Champs-Elysees.
Shortly afterward we were upgraded to a third-floor suite.
Our third-floor suite had two dormer windows with old quilts folded underneath for seats, a Victorian marble-top table and a sleigh bed.
The third-floor suite (the Franklin D. Roosevelt suite) he and his family stayed in was fully enclosed, and the glassed-in balcony can still be seen to this day.
Much of the charm emanates from the hosts themselves, who live in Buenos Aires and spend many weekends here in a third-floor suite in the main house.
The new third-floor suite also has a good view, and a Jacuzzi.
Our third-floor suite, with polished wooden floors and ceiling fans, included two ample four-posters in the main room, with a sitting room and a bathroom with a claw-foot tub.
When the three of them were established in the third-floor suite, with Komi and some of his men on watch in the room below, Almagro began to talk, quietly but forcefully.