It comes close to the amount that Ross Perot spent on his third-party presidential campaign in 1992.
Officials in both parties said he was unlikely to receive their backing, but they braced for the possibility that he would run an insurgent third-party campaign.
Welch was helped when state Representative David Zuckerman decided not to wage a third-party campaign.
The far left had its last hurrah in Henry A. Wallace's 1948 third-party presidential campaign.
To the Editor: So, conservative members of the Republican Party are thinking about leaving the party and mounting a third-party campaign (front page, June 29).
Many would rally behind the third-party campaign of Alabama Governor George C. Wallace as a "law and order" candidate.
"We have not seen a window of opportunity for independent and third-party campaigns that is equivalent to the one now since the Great Depression."
B5 B. Thomas Golisano's decision to spend $20 million of his fortune on a third-party campaign for governor may turn out to have been another smart investment.
They accuse their party of sacrificing principle in the name of pragmatism, prompting some to talk of mounting a third-party campaign.
Both parties had severe ideological splits, with the far left and far right of the Democratic Party running third-party campaigns.