This suggests that victims are more protected if the third-party observer belongs to same group as them.
It was also found that the dictators expected much harsher punishments if third-party observers belonged to the same group as the victim.
The United States remains an interested but completely neutral third-party observer in all foreign military alliances and treaties.
The person in the role of counsellor acts a facilitator to the client, sometimes as third-party observer and sometimes as second-party confidant.
In the 16 years since its founding, ELS has been honored with high praise and positive reviews from many third-party observers and researchers.
Kentridge is of European descent, and as such has a unique position as a third-party observer.
Garcia and his colleagues focus on the perspective of impartial third-party observers and the psychological aspects of social categorization.
Also the assumption of an impartial, objective assessment of third-party observers should be questioned.
It is very difficult to find third-party observers with a totally impartial perspective.
Since every person acts in a certain context, has its own background and interconnections with other people there is no such thing as an impartial third-party observer.