After Armstrong's death, Mrs. Armstrong added a third-story apartment with a wood-shingled roof for her caretaker.
He was in a small, but comfortable, sitting room of a third-story apartment.
One black woman in a third-story apartment dialed 911, Police Emergency.
But such plans were not enough for Craig Evans, who said that he sold his third-story apartment and moved to nearby Windsor Terrace because of the impending project.
"He said, 'We've got all these third-story apartments without elevators,' " Mr. Lipscomb recalled.
She was the 7th of 11 children, living in a bare third-story apartment down one of the camp's narrow streets.
The police said that the boys' parents, Dierdre Bledsoe and Barney Green, appeared to be in their third-story apartment when a neighbor found the unconscious boys.
Mr. Kavourias is planning a deck off the third-story apartment, and a Japanese garden in the yard with a pond for koi fish and a hot tub.
Three housemates, who were critically injured, survived by jumping out the windows of their third-story apartment.
Levi died on 11 April 1987, when he fell from the interior landing of his third-story apartment in Turin to the ground floor below.