A thorough checking of last night's assignments among the photographic elite, would have proven that Wilbert had been in no place specially and therefore could have been the mysterious camera man of the air field.
Both are gritty veterans known for thorough checking on the ice and positive attitudes in the locker room.
Since you arrived in the Eckmuhl four days ago,' Poynton went on, 'I did some thorough checking within The Movement about you.
It recommended more thorough checking of references, prompt reporting of allegations to Mr. Stancik's office, and better communication among schools.
Carcetti asks McNulty for leads on a missing homeless man, Larry Butler, and McNulty reports no new information despite thorough checking.
Believe me, I did some very thorough checking.
I did some more thorough checking, using temperature readings and deep radar on both sun and planet.
I've been doing some pretty thorough checking on Trader.
There is clearly a need for more thorough checking of containers at the point of departure and arrival and for closer cooperation between the authorities in different countries.
Perhaps it would be more effective to use solutions developed by the Israelis, where emphasis is placed on observation of passengers' behaviour and on thorough checking of those who arouse most suspicion, and not of everyone.