For many years the most typical O'Reilly books, the "animal books," have been designed as thorough guides for work with established technologies.
This book is the most thorough and up-to-date guide to starting and maintaining a music career-- a must for every musician's bookshelf.
The former is a thorough and lucid guide to a host of rights, needs, obligations and procedures of particular concern to older people.
With his son William Drowne, he co-wrote The Farmer's Guide, a thorough guide on husbandry and gardening, in 1824.
"Somewhere around here last summer I saw hashish growing right next to the road," said Mr. Shwayri, ever the thorough guide.
However, if you prefer a more thorough guide, you may opt for one of the private group tours, which are available by reservation only.
A thorough guide to the warning signs of heart disease, the leading cause of death for women.
At times, though, "Death and the Sun" is too thorough a guide.
This is not a written constitution, nor is it an attempt to rewrite the rules of Parliament - but rather an attempt to provide a clear and thorough guide to Government.
It is a thorough guide dedicated to the premise that one can feed guests while respecting their health.