If kept cool - 55 degrees during the day, 40 to 45 degrees at night (ideal temperatures for setting flower buds) - a thorough watering once a month or less is enough for most cactuses, unless they begin to wrinkle noticeably.
The general advice given is that during the growing season, cacti should be allowed to dry out between thorough waterings.
Under ideal indoor conditions, which include cool temperatures (55 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal), and frequent, thorough watering, plants will blossom for four to six weeks.
Drought-stressed trees should be given a thorough deep watering once a week.
As winter progresses, a thorough watering should be administered once every two or three weeks or so, preferably before the point when the leaves start showing signs of shriveling.
When you are ready to wake them, provide warmth (60 to 70 degrees), bright light and a single, thorough watering.
Aside from thorough watering, the solution followed by many tomato growers has been to keep mulch quite well.
The potting medium needs replacement if it shrinks down in volume or is no longer fluffy, or if a thorough watering takes too long.
The plant enjoys a thorough watering after the soil has been allowed to dry, and misting has been shown to be beneficial.
On average needs small amounts of water often rather than a thorough watering once in a while.