The arrival of Lanlan will thoroughly disrupt life in what has heretofore been a seemingly peaceful and happy family.
Weeks later, with the organisation's hierarchy and communications thoroughly disrupted, a Muslim brother assassinated prime minister Nuqrashi.
Or did they just wait until he was fully asleep, to maximize his confusion and thoroughly disrupt his rest?
But as she becomes more aware of the dreams, sorrows and lies of the people closest to her, Élise sees her mother's sudden abandonment thoroughly disrupt her family.
These two outsiders, Ludo and Bootie, will thoroughly disrupt the cozy dynamics of the Thwaite family and Marina's small circle of friends.
He threat- ened to thoroughly disrupt the comfortable routine into which Larissa had fallen over the last eight years.
Eric vaulted after him, thoroughly disrupting the amorous affairs of the kissing couples on the Bridge.
The legislation was opposed for various reasons, not least because it would have transferred electoral power to urban areas and thoroughly disrupted everyone's re-election plans.
And the magnitude of that work would thoroughly disrupt operations within.
While they lived, they thoroughly disrupted the ecology of the stream.