And with that, he would wander back into his study, to all appearances still thoroughly engrossed in the volume held open in his hands.
While he was thoroughly engrossed in monitoring the destruction of the hated world below, that did not mean he wished to share its fate.
Satisfied that he was thoroughly engrossed in his chores, she went upstairs.
Side by side, each conductor was thoroughly engrossed in his work and apparently oblivious to the other.
Miss Rascoe is reasonably convincing and makes Julie seem thoroughly engrossed in what she's doing.
He jutted his chin in the direction of Sonja, who was thoroughly engrossed in the paper.
Whatever the conversation was about, the Trollslayer was thoroughly engrossed.
Chane was thoroughly engrossed in what he was do- ing.
In his present inspection of antique firearms, Preston was thoroughly engrossed in his work.
Dobbs was seated in the second row and several chairs away, as thoroughly engrossed as the others around him.