It was a look that was usually capable of thoroughly intimidating the Alphans.
A thoroughly intimidated Killick nodded his head.
Thoroughly intimidated by now, Assam ran to obey.
Portraying characters drawn from Malian street theater, they thoroughly intimidate him by hiding in the trees and pretending to be spirits with magical powers.
"The murderer intended to keep Lason and the guests thoroughly intimidated, while his crew seized the paintings from the upstairs gallery."
Many times, they thoroughly intimidated headlining acts by blowing them off the stage with their wild and driving music.
Durr Cable began a cross-examination so delicate that he seemed thoroughly intimidated by the great expert.
The doctor sounded thoroughly intimidated.
His show of force thoroughly intimidated the group of regents around Oldenbarnevelt and they were prepared to make concessions.
Adulux, thoroughly intimidated, managed to shake his head.