By the time he came into his own as an architect, about 1750, Swedish design and architecture had been thoroughly penetrated by the French Rococo.
Even though the winter months had nearly come to an end, it was still cold and the steady light drizzle had thoroughly penetrated their clothes.
By the time I reached the right person, the hacker had thoroughly penetrated their computer.
They spied on each other, but for all practical purposes, and also because each agency had thoroughly penetrated the other, they behaved just like the same organization.
The locals are thoroughly penetrated.
But the bureau had not thoroughly penetrated Al Qaeda cells in this country, and so had only a little ability to exploit the intercepted communications.
And, in fact, events have shown that the Imperial Guards were thoroughly penetrated.
I'll contact youl" Deep Argelian night had thoroughly penetrated the stone building now that most of the electricity had been strangled.
These cipher systems were also successfully cryptanalysed, particularly Tunny, which the British thoroughly penetrated.
The cold had thoroughly penetrated her body.