But Paris has rarely seemed so thoroughly scrubbed of dazzle or intrigue; this movie might as well have been shot at Disney World.
The linoleum was so thoroughly scrubbed that it fairly shone.
It would have to be thoroughly scrubbed and fumigated (also, perhaps, exorcised) before Thon Taddeo moved in.
In fact, he was back giving dance lessons at his studio, his conscience clean, his memory thoroughly scrubbed by yours truly.
Then the Hall must be scrubbed thoroughly with redwort so- lution.
Then the Hall must be scrubbed thoroughly with redwort solution.
After an initial, violent hose-down, he had been thoroughly scrubbed from head to foot by two masked, rubber-gloved paramedics.
Even the cracks of kitchen counters are thoroughly scrubbed, for example, to remove any traces of flour and yeast, however small.
If it is not possible to avoid touching the eyes or face, the hands should be thoroughly scrubbed immediately after.
"You're not the only one whose memories were so thoroughly scrubbed away."