As though her thoughts had conjured her sister up, Annabelle suddenly knocked into her.
After last night, the thought of Morelli behind bars conjured only cozy feelings in my humiliated, vindictive heart.
As if her thought of him had conjured him up, Blade's voice sounded on the radio.
As if her thoughts had conjured him, Willie was suddenly standing next to her.
As though Blade's thoughts had conjured him out of the floor.
Picard was only beginning to smile at the rousing image the thought conjured when one equally awe-inspiring appeared on the main viewer.
As if the thought had conjured her out of the dimness, Meng Die appeared farther down the corridor.
As if this thought had conjured him, my new friend suddenly appeared, shadowy, at my side, shuffling with sleep.
Rachel stared at him, for a moment thinking crazily that her thoughts had somehow conjured him up.
But her gifts were more supplely controlled than ever, and a mere thought conjured a dragon made of Fire.