Jora'h's thoughts whirled, and he was glad that his daughter did not speak.
So many thoughts and emotions whirled in her mind.
Bhaldavin's thoughts whirled back to the days of his childhood, and he remembered the correct response.
Her thoughts whirled and tumbled like leaves in a gale.
While these thoughts whirled wildly in her brain it seemed that preparations had been and were being made for departure.
As these unpleasant thoughts whirled through him, he swiveled his head this way and that.
The young Lord's thoughts whirled as he tried to sort out the meaning of this atrocity.
At the same time, his thoughts whirled with the gravity of the things they had discovered locked in Bullet's deep banks.
The thoughts whirled wildly through his mind, like remnants of tattered newspaper.
The thought whirled away on an instinctive leap of his heart.