But that the book is also short on fresh insights and thoughtful analysis is more puzzling.
I'd like to see that comparison grid and some thoughtful analysis comparing the major packages.
But in among the ranting was a thoughtful analysis of what happens in hard times.
A seventeen - year - old female, who gave a startlingly thoughtful analysis, started with a bang: Wow!
We are committed to providing sound judgment, thoughtful analysis, and constructive advice through effective communication.
Still, he added, many aspects of professionals' participation in the case could benefit from some "really thoughtful analysis."
Mr. Mayer's book is a thoughtful analysis of the same eternal disease.
Now and in the future, researchers will need to organize their data in a way that permits thoughtful analysis.
He opened the car door for me, clearly uninterested in my thoughtful analysis.
The series was a comic, thoughtful and acerbic analysis of recent news coverage.