Lankwiler made a thoughtful suggestion.
Who would listen as seriously to her theater directing ideas and offer such thoughtful suggestions?
Many thanks must also go to the allergy patients, the physicians, and the other medical professionals who read my manuscript and made many thoughtful suggestions.
I would also like to thank Susan Carskadon, my agent, who made many thoughtful suggestions that are now a part of the book.
At recent hearings, village residents offered a number of thoughtful suggestions for the site, including a cultural center, more affordable housing and expanded recreational opportunities.
"That is a thoughtful and innovative suggestion, Memsaab Eaton," I said truthfully.
But I do want to thank McKelvey for her thoughtful suggestion.
Each entry ends with a "What to Do" section that offers thoughtful and practical suggestions and, if necessary, what kind of professional help should be pursued.
It is considerably improved because of their thoughtful suggestions.
"It's a thoughtful report with many thoughtful suggestions, but we're in the middle of reducing the budget so it's bad timing," Ms. Shalala said.