Only the most thoughtless person would intrude where he was not wanted.
"In the North, I would be considered a rude, thoughtless person, unworthy of courtesy."
To see any unpleasantness connected with golf, you will be humiliated by some thoughtless person.
A thoughtless person may think that with a whole host of inanimate bodies be- strewing the path of retreat there could not have been much difficulty in supplying the deficiency.
These are things that only the herbalist must know; otherwise any thoughtless person could go about distributing visions: in other words, lying with herbs.
Well, the scholar explained, "water buffalo" in Hebrew is "behema"--which is also slang for a thoughtless or rowdy person!
He was doing really thoughtless things and I knew he wasn't a thoughtless person.
Khrisnamurti once suggested that a consistent thinker is a thoughtless person because he conforms to a pattern; he repeats phrases, and thinks in a groove.
Prudie promises you the thoughtless person will have nothing more to say.
Only a careless or thoughtless person could be trapped by the curse, giving it the openings to snare Mm.