He felt the stares of the area residents, who knew that guys in thousand-dollar suits generally brought trouble.
Over the years he has managed to learn a little style, and now wears it like the thousand-dollar suit that frames his angular body.
A stupid smile, like look at me in my ruined thousand-dollar suit.
Dressed in his thousand-dollar suit, the one that gave him such an incredible air of civilization and polish, he now looked frankly dangerous.
Bad for the image, the guy in the thousand-dollar suit sucking smoke into his lungs.
Northern tough guys, in thousand-dollar suits and shined shoes.
Certainly the two guys in their thousand-dollar suits looked reasonably impressed by it.
The two young men in the crumpled thousand-dollar suits waited until Chester Stone was well clear.
Most historians pinpoint the infamous "roundup of the thousand-dollar suits."
You don't see many public servants wearing thousand-dollar suits.