And it could carry a thousand-pound bomb and would still fly like a Cadillac.
I remind you, Gator, you're talking to the man who can pitch a thousand-pound bomb in an ice storm without a visual.
They could have five-hundred- or thousand-pound bombs, probably with delayed fuses to penetrate the building.
Number One had not been in his headquarters, of course, when that thousand-pound bomb let go.
No one could have withstood the accuracy of the Americans' fifteen thousand-pound bombs.
From the sound, they were using five-hundred- or thousand-pound bombs, not cluster munitions.
He's sworn never to be taken alive; he walks the streets wired up to explosives calculated to be in excess of a thousand-pound bomb.
A few days later, Karl is assigned to defuse a thousand-pound bomb and Eric joins him at the site to make an inspection.
To clear the area, two thousand-pound bombs stuck in the surrounding coral reef were detonated in the 1990s.
These included dumps for conventional ammunition and explosive ordnance of all kinds, from bullets to thousand-pound bombs.