They were stitched onto horizontal threads called hileras, which were then affixed to a natural or dyed woven cloth ground.
Upanayanam is the ceremony of wearing the sacred thread called Yajnopaveetam.
If disturbed, it can emit sticky threads called acontia, armed with nematocysts, as a defence mechanism.
Threads are scheduled in groups of 32 threads called warps.
Within conferences, members open separate conversational threads called topics for specific items of interest.
If conditions are suitable, the spore will germinate producing microscopic fungal threads called hyphae.
Most of the fungal body consists of microscopic threads, called hyphae, extending through the substrate in which it grows.
Every article has an associated discussion area which allows for multiple threads, called "Conversations".
Hidden from sight are masses of nearly invisible fungal threads called mycelium, which form the active feeding and growing structures of the fungus.
A separate thread called balancer is devoted to distribute keys to avoid nodes overloading or underloading.