This threat evaporated by 1992, yet the Pentagon plans to spend only 17 percent less in 1997 than it spent in 1992.
But when the threat evaporated, the Bosnian Serbs scorned the plan.
The terrorist threat has not evaporated and may have intensified as a result of the invasion of Baghdad.
A Fascist threat evaporated, and standards of civility were upheld.
As Mr. Hatch observes, that threat has long since evaporated.
The threat, however, evaporated when another Times reporter recalled that Steinbrenner had told him the same thing.
And any threat of a Soviet invasion of Western Europe has evaporated.
The threat from the Alliance had evaporated since the division of the Social Democrats in 1987.
Cutting that budget in half would free up substantial resources to meet domestic needs - but only if the Soviet threat evaporated.
We hit fast and hard and mercilessly and the threat evaporated in a matter of minutes.