Continued strong foreign demand, they warned, might threaten hard-won gains against inflation by encouraging manufacturers, struggling to fill big backlogs of orders, to raise prices.
A9 Rift Strains Vatican-China Ties The public dispute between China and the Roman Catholic Church over the consecration of two bishops without the Vatican's approval threatens recent gains in efforts to normalize relations between the two.
But the Darwinian view threatens even relative gains.
The opinion requires lawmakers to adjust Congressional district boundaries in comport with the Court's ruling, though the ruling does not threaten Republican gains as a result of the redistricting in Texas.
Other African intellectuals fear that any sweeping reconsideration of Africa's borders would prove too costly to the world's poorest continent, threatening gradual gains in economic development and institution building.
Cuts in foreign aid, plummeting commodity prices and rising African debt threaten hard-won economic gains made by African countries since the famine on the continent two years ago, according to a report by the United Nations.
Republicans and Perot supporters alike want to cut the budget and shrink the Government, he said, but a third party would threaten Republican gains.
The Congressional Budget Office assumes that the budget for the child health program will continue at its current level of $5 billion a year, but Democrats say that would threaten recent gains in coverage.
The meeting appeared to threaten gains made in Jewish-Catholic relations and to jeopardize a largely ceremonial meeting between the Pope and American Jews to take place in Miami next month during his second trip to the United States.