The technique has been able to suppress insects threatening livestock, fruit, vegetable, and fiber crops.
The lake threatens to burst through its unstable dam, which would threaten the lives and livestock of over 6000 villagers living around the Tamakoshi River.
But now the land itself turns against the family as a severe drought threatens crops and livestock.
The only exceptions to the law are in cases of lions that actually threaten or attack humans or livestock.
The guarding function was especially necessary in earlier times, when wolves and other large predators threatened livestock and people.
That addition, critics say, would give that department control over any animals that threaten livestock.
Dumping, excavation, further subdivision, and any activity that might threaten water quality, soil and livestock are prohibited in perpetuity.
The weather threatened livestock and livelihoods throughout the Midwest.
Ranchers oppose the re-establishment of the wolf population, saying the animals threaten livestock.
There is a lack of fodder, directly threatening livestock.