Higher yields on bonds compete with the return available from stocks and also threaten corporate profits.
"Do you believe, then, that the Company would have its agents kill a man who threatened profits? "
Sloan did not neglect cost, by any means; when it was proposed Chevrolet should introduce safety glass, he opposed it because it threatened profits.
When Nader's book threatened the Corvair's sales and profits, he became an enemy of the system.
In either category, chronic mishandling of emotions can threaten productivity and profits, he said.
Stock prices are hurt by higher interest rates, which threaten corporate profits and lure away investors attracted by the increasing yields on debt securities.
"It reflects a willingness on the part of the agency to bend to chemical industry pressure when sensible regulatory action might threaten profits."
He agrees with Mr. Gore that regulation, properly conceived and applied, can force cleaner technologies without threatening profits or jobs.
The increase in spam attacks threatens confidence in web transactions, and that in turn threatens profits.
The strong currency has hurt exporters, threatening profits and the recovery.