He recalled several other occasions when Karl Zork had allowed his zeal to threaten resignation.
A week later he threatened resignation, holding and winning a vote of confidence on his Constituent Assembly presidency.
Their construction was very costly, causing the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gladstone, to threaten resignation.
Montgomery saw this as a challenge to his authority and this, along with the lack of discipline in the army, caused Montgomery to threaten resignation.
This plan fell through after Haig and Robertson threatened resignation.
Don't threaten resignation unless you mean it.
"You're not going to threaten resignation, are you?"
Satisfied with the team, Coach Orion balks at the news, threatening resignation.
Already, in November, de Gaulle had had to threaten resignation to put an end to Communist demands for certain key cabinet posts.
Joseph would frequently use his position as leverage, by threatening resignation.