Assef and his posse back off, but Assef threatens revenge.
Special-interest groups ply legislators with contributions and threaten election-year revenge.
"I hope we can become a more inclusive party that tolerates dissent and doesn't threaten punishment or revenge on people who don't agree," the senator said.
The N.H.L. must crack down on players who threaten revenge - before they actually commit it.
Sir Robert punches the host, who threatens revenge.
The Americans, who wore similar uniforms, threatened revenge so, to help identification within the regiment, the 46th wore red feathers in their caps.
Libertine kills the man and runs away on a white horse, while the Woman in Red threatens revenge.
The trial came to a startling and dramatic end when the defendant threatened revenge against the jurors if they convicted him.
Rudolph's subjects berate him with scorn, and he leaves, threatening revenge.
Erelong Branithar was able to complain about the bread-and-water diet and threaten revenge.