The pair had spent an evening out together in February 2008 when they were threatened with a starter pistol.
Some reports claim that during the altercation, one of the spectators threatened Russell with a pistol.
When she tried to flee, she said, he locked the door and threatened her with a pistol.
The police said she had threatened a cab driver with a loaded black pistol she carried in a blue vinyl bag.
Kristen suspects Megan and threatens her with a pistol.
The men threatened employees and customers with a shotgun and a pistol, but no one was harmed during the robbery, the police said.
'You won't gain anything by threatening me with a pistol.'
She acknowledges that there is an unknown woman's shadow between them, someone who once threatened Lovborg with a pistol.
A verbally abusive woman was threatened with a pistol by one of Porter's troops, perhaps as a bluff.
A Queens man was killed Saturday night by the police after he had attacked his wife and threatened officers with a pistol, the police said.