But without explicit resort to deadlines or timelines, it also threatens accelerated withdrawal if the government fails to act decisively.
On April 25, 1919, Hungarian Communists offered to mediate a settlement between the Bolsheviks and the Estonians, but Admiral Cowan threatened withdrawal of support to the Estonians unless they rejected the Hungarian offer.
France which has the biggest contingent has threatened withdrawal failing a rapid solution.
Martin Mills believes this was a response "to growing pressure - particularly from other schools of Tibetan Buddhism such as the Nyingmapa, who threatened withdrawal of their support in the Exiled Government project."
However, in the face of a revised Civil Rights Act with strong penalties, he has threatened withdrawal of support and hinted a veto unless linkages are cut.
In the past, France has repeatedly threatened withdrawal of its contingent, the largest of any country's, if actions of the Bosnian Serb, Muslim and Croat forces made it impossible for them to fulfill their mission of separating the combatants and protecting civilians.
Mr. Bush, who has called the treaty a "relic of the cold war," did not threaten imminent withdrawal from the pact when he met with Mr. Putin on Sunday in Shanghai, officials said.
He threatened withdrawal of the statue if the offending accouterments were not removed.
The American artists have been threatening withdrawal from the show in protest over the Mapplethorpe decision.
The day before the rebranded Exeter Northcott reopened in December 2007, Arts Council England threatened withdrawal of its entire £547,000 annual grant.