Schools refused to let him speak and factories threatened workers with dismissal if they gave him their votes.
They say that some guards threatened workers to keep them from taking legal action.
In certain situations, imports and immigration do threaten low-skilled workers, even if they help other low-wage consumers.
The gunmen then threatened workers, forcing the executive board of the union to resign and leave the area.
In Washington, some teen-agers threatened social workers with knives.
It ended after the government called a state of alarm and threatened striking workers with jail sentences.
The Red Cross stopped working in one orphanage after young toughs threatened workers taking two boys to join their parents.
A flash point occurred when a British manager threatened workers with a gun, which was snatched by workers and started firing back.
Hull threatened minorities and workers and patients at abortion clinics.
Ms. Ulleque says those arrested for trafficking children will sometimes threaten workers from her organization.