After a three-day battle in the city, the sister won and came to take her prisoner.
He had been an inspiration for his troops throughout the three-day battle.
She found them dispirited and on the run after having lost a three-day battle.
After a three-day battle the island was declared captured on 18 May.
The stage was set for the bloody climax of the three-day battle.
Between 46,000 and 51,000 soldiers from both armies were casualties in the three-day battle.
The story of the three-day battle fought July 1, 2 and 3, 1863, is told on a 750-square-foot electric map.
Over the three-day battle, his brigade suffered almost 50% casualties.
After a three-day battle Agaja's army killed the king and set the palace on fire.
The war in Vietnam as experienced during a three-day battle in 1965.