As it turned out, there were four who set out on the three-day journey to the southern parts of Tethir.
The survivors, 116 in total, were able to reach Japan after a three-day journey in open boats.
That's a three-day journey by ship, possibly less in storm weather if they pile on all canvas.
Despite lack of food, electricity and fresh water, not a life was lost during the three-day journey to safety.
Mr. Spock might have been right about the unknowable impact of their three-day journey into the past, she thought.
It was a three-day journey, but one he had made before and so could make without danger of becoming lost.
It carried 1,924 refugees for a 1,600 kilometre, three-day journey to the southern capital.
It was the beginning of a three-day culinary journey along the valley, taking in four Michelin stars.
The Ban-ali appeared to be more than a three-day journey from our location.
Shrewsbury to Woodstock will be a two or three-day journey to such a rider.