In 1973, I was watching TV and this guy came on advertising a three-day seminar on how to buy real estate for nothing down.
And then let's have a three-day seminar in Aspen with foreign policy gurus to discuss it.
On November 1, 2 and 3, I'll be hosting 12 of you in my office for a free three-day seminar.
The defense secretary also disallowed the participation of a Chinese professor at a three-day seminar at the center.
At the executives' three-day seminar, virtually everything Disney said embellished a single concept: the care and feeding of its corporate culture.
They've joined delegates from across the world for the three-day seminar.
There, in turn, attendees are told about another, three-day seminar, which costs $2,995 and covers the real nuts and bolts of conducting a class.
Many schools also send seniors to three-day seminars conducted by a professional counselor to prepare them for their responsibilities.
Mr. Thornton helped him develop the three-day seminars, which include lectures, exercises and the roles that controllers play.