Laura Salant, 31 years old, admitted that she impersonated her husband because he had had difficulty with the three-day test.
But when he sat for the three-day test last year he discovered that it had changed.
From here he performed the initial three-day shake-down test for Scuderia Toro Rosso's 2008 spec car, the STR3.
The three-day test of some 30 dowsers involved plastic pipes through which water flow could be controlled and directed.
Training in Poekoelan, an Indonesian martial art, he rose last year to the level of third-degree black belt after a three-day test during which he neither slept nor rested.
Pedrosa and Dovizioso had the 3rd and 6th fastest times over the three-day test.
And Chanin, who had gone through the three-day test and one day interview to gain the scholarship to come here, has also developed a strategy to make friends.
Kevin's time was the best of the three-day test impressing McLaren's sporting director Sam Michael.
Following the United States Grand Prix, the Formula One teams headed to Silverstone for a three-day test.
Lee received an extra prize in recognition of his extraordinary achievements - a three-day test with the Team Rosberg Formula 3 outfit.